Jaqueline Biasca, Sede Belgrano, CABA, 2018
Juan Carlos Storti, Centro Oncológico "Marilú Conte", Benito Juárez, 2018
Alicia M Martinez, Hospital Castro Rendín, Neuquén, 2018
Jaqueline Biasca, Sede Belgrano, CABA, 2018
Art Gallery
Through our workshops and art programs in hospitals and headquarters, patients become artists.
Donde Quiero Estar began 14 years ago as a resilience space within a hospital. We took as a reference the tiles on the walls that surrounded the patients while they were receiving chemotherapy, and we decided to use blank wooden supports, the same size as the tiles, to be used as pictures. Endless imaginative possibilities opened up. The space and time of chemotherapy were redefined. The room was filled with color and calm that only those who have had contact with art know. The hospital was never the same again. The patients became protagonists, whose works transcend the hospital, establishing themselves as artists when they arrived at the Sívori Museum in 2019.
Our artworks
Here you can see some of the works created by patients during chemotherapy.
Made with acrylic and mixed techniques on 30x30cm fibrofacil wood. and 3mm. of thickness
Today I am
One day they confirm her cancer diagnosis, another day she transforms into Cleopatra ...
"Today I am" is an invitation to open up possibilities. To shed, just for a while, our being and take the form of that person we admire, who makes us curious, who always intrigued us.
The goal is to achieve The photo.
The one that manages to capture the spark of connection, where the character and the person meet, where everything is possible.
For this we call makeup artists, costume designers, photographers, producers and we do a photography day.
Mirta Adelina Xaubet, 2014
Gabriela Vidal, 2014
Cecilia Dibar, 2016
Mirta Rossotti, 2016
Isabel Flaiban, 2016
Alicia Temeladri, 2017
Aurora Morel, 2017
Verónica Villar, 2017
Photography: Gloria Gradin / Styling and Making off: Erika Tomas / Costumes: Fátima Christie Newbery and Martín D'Agosto
Hair and Makeup: Manuela Schedlbauer / Photomontage: Iván Dietrich / Direction: María de San Martín,
Taller de arteterapia
Un espacio de compañía y encuentro a través del arte, que nos propone dejarnos llevar por nuestro interior e intuición y así crear una obra de arte.
Muestras y concursos de arte
"Del hospital al museo"
Todos los años realizamos una emocionante exposición de pinturas hechas durante la quimioterapia. Una oportunidad para que cada paciente se consagre como artista al exponer sus obras en un museo, compartiéndolas con muchísima gente. Se exponen más de 200 cuadros de todos los hospitales en donde trabaja la fundación, y del taller en la sede central. Además, se proyectan los cortos realizados en los talleres pediátricos; y se entregan premios de jurado y de voto al público. Un gran festival de encuentros, emociones y merecidos homenajes. Pacientes, voluntari@s, coordinador@s, familias y equipos de salud de los hospitales nos reunimos para celebrar el arte y la vida.
During the first 10 years of the foundation (2006-2015), the art show and contest was held at the Hospital de Clínicas "José de San Martín", CABA, where the foundation was born. As the replications of the program in different hospitals grew, the number of paintings and artists multiplied. It was then time to enlarge the festival: from 2016 to 2018 it was held at the Hilton Hotel in Puerto Madero, and in 2019 at the Sívori Museum, CABA.
Posters of the 2011-2020 samples
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